Configure GitHub with Runners

Before setting up DeepSource Runner, you must create a GitHub app. This document outlines the steps for creating a new GitHub app to work.

  1. Navigate to<your-organization>/settings/apps
  2. Click the New GitHub App button.
  3. Set up your GitHub app using the following image as a reference. The field in the following image is the unique ID that you configure in the config.apps[].id section of the config.yaml and can be any unique string to identify your VCS provider
  1. Once you have created the GitHub app, you will be taken to the GitHub app settings page. Generate and copy the following from the page.
    1. Client ID
    2. Client secret
    3. Private key
    4. App ID
    5. Slug: The slug can be obtained from the URL for this page. For example:<your-organization>/settings/apps/<slug>